Friday, November 27, 2009

...then while no one was looking a man came along playing with pipes

Alas, not the Scottish kind but the white ones which are perfect for plumbing (which I suppose is much more useful at this point in time, although the Scottish pipes might be great for the housewarming!).

In the meantime, to keep me busy I have been in discussion with admin re the shared security fence.  Our neighbours are also building with PD and while completely logical to share our security fence both parties are paying for the same 54m of fence.  PD claim that due to our contract being longer and that we are likely to need the fence longer that we should both still be paying in full for that 54m.  This is complete rubbish.  I understand at time of contract a provision was needed for the full fence on both lots but a credit should be subtracted at the end of the contract for half of any days which were shared.  I will fight this to the bitter end!!!!

I am still waiting to hear from my super-hero site supervisor (SS), so that will have to wait until further into the story...

1 comment:

Jo said...

I'm guessing you have the same SS as me?
I reckon the house next door to you is a Davenport from the slab and the pipes.... sad aren't I? lol