Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cup of tea, anyone?!

Who'd of thought I'd get so much entertainment out of a slab!  Now that the concrete is set,  I was able to have a wander around the 'house'!  The framers have penciled the ground floor frame positions so I had the fun of pretending to have a 'day in our life'.  As its only the children's/guest rooms upstairs I was able to get out of bed, have a shower and then make brekky!  Rather than joining in my fun, my girls simply looked at me frozen in amazement as I skipped from room to room with a running commentry of my daily routine - I think they were especially appalled when I proceeded to get 'undressed' to have a shower (what is wrong with these kids?!!).

I noticed that our sign at the front had the wrong lot number on it, so it gave me an excuse to call our SS - I also happened to mention one major concern for me which is the cement sheet infill over the garage.  The whole house is brick so I have no idea how we missed this - it was our error but I had tried to change it before commencement on site (in fact atleast 3 weeks before we started) but admin refused.  Thankfully the SS rocks and has said I can order a steel lintel and negotiate with the brickies to get it bricked!  I knew my super hero would fly in to rescue me...

Frame starts this week and will take approx 2 weeks - although the rain has been a little persistent today and is forecast for the end of the week,  I'm sure they will ensure its done before Christmas so they have some cash in their pockets.

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